Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tex Avery

For this post I wanted to honor an animator that brought us famous characters like Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, as well as many other Looney Toons. Animation is another type of art that is not always as appreciated as it should be. Everyone knows the face of Bugs Bunny and yet I'm sure very few people ever, or will ever know the people behind these popular characters. They created pop culture icons and yet they probably got very little credit and were usually paid very little as well. 


  1. Currently, the Bugs Bunny cartoons still fascinated the children in the world for their simplicity. The children love Bugs Bunny.

  2. All of these cartoons really are still big. I see them on Cartoon Network in the day time and they even made a new spin on the Looney Tunes.
